GCDD 2021 - 2022 Annual Report
Message from the Executive Director
The mission of the Georgia Council on Developmental Disabilities (GCDD) is to bring about social and policy changes that promote opportunities for persons with developmental disabilities and their families to live, learn, work, play and worship in Georgia communities.
New Five-Year Strategic Plan Adopted by Council
The federal government requires all Developmental Disabilities Councils to create new strategic plans every five years. The Five Year Strategic Plan determines how each Council will allocate funding to create systems change for individuals with intellectual/developmental disabilities (I/DD) and family members through advocacy and capacity-building activities.
By hearing from individuals with I/DD, family members, caregivers, siblings and the community-at-large, it sets the course of what the Council has to work on for the next five years, or 2022-2026.
The new Five Year Strategic Plan has three goals, each with four objectives:
Goal 1: Systems Change
Goal 2: Self-Advocacy
Goal 3: Diversity
COVID-19: "Get your vaccine!"
The COVID-19 pandemic continued in 2021, but all efforts were focused on getting people the new COVID-19 vaccines. This began with an advocacy effort that resulted in people with developmental disabilities being put at the top of the list to get the vaccine. DD Network partners began meeting with the Department of Public Health and working to coordinate the dissemination of information and the vaccines. This is a greater advocacy community effort that supported activities such as Zoom Webinars, and worked to organize "get your vaccine" events. More than 1,500 Georgians across the state participated in these 11 virtual webinars.
The Welcoming Community Movement
The goal of the Welcoming Community Movement is to support grassroots community organizing and advocacy to increase equity and inclusion for people with DD, BIPOC, and other marginalized groups in Georgia.
In 2021, four Welcoming Community Movement coaches were trained, and attendees from thirteen organizations attended a Welcoming Community Movement Retreat in Brunswick, GA.
2021 Virtual Advocacy Days Bring Greater Access to Event for People with Disabilities
Over 550 disability advocates registered to virtually attend the 2021 GCDD Advocacy Days – the first time the DD council has hosted the days exclusively online since the initiative’s inception. Advocacy Days focused on policies affecting people with disabilities and brought together advocates from across the state to hear about the issues and work together to brainstorm actions they could take to advocate from home.
The three days covered HCBS Waivers, Inclusive Post-Secondary Education (IPSE), and Employment!
Treasure Maps: The Georgia Storytelling Roadshow 2021
The latest initiative from the GCDD Storytelling Project featured a series of drive-in performances held in six target cities across Georgia, showcasing the story performances of 10 people from across the state with developmental disabilities.
Read more about the GCDD Storytelling Project

Making a Difference Magazine Keeps Georgia Up-to-Date!
GCDD published four issues of the digital Making a Difference Magazine, featuring articles on public policy, interviews with experts in the disability field, highlights from inclusive post-secondary education (IPSE) programs in Georgia, self-advocate spotlights, resources, and more! Read the latest issue here.
GCDD Annual Budget $3.09 Million
Thanks to over 50 Council
Members, Partners, and Staff
who continue to serve as advocates for all persons with developmental disabilities by increasing opportunities for independence, inclusion, integration, productivity and self-determination.
View our current Council