Definition of Developmental Disabilities
A "developmental disability," as defined in federal law, is a severe, chronic, often lifelong disability that causes substantial limitations in several major life activities such as: self care, receptive and expressive language, learning, mobility, self-direction, the capacity for independent living and economic self-sufficiency. It is attributable to a mental, emotional, sensory, and/or physical impairment that is apparent before the age of twenty-two.
Who can apply?
- An individual with a developmental disability.
- A family member of an individual with a developmental disability.
- A guardian of an individual with a developmental disability.
How much can I apply for?
In order to extend Dottie Adams Scholarship Fund to as many people as possible the following limits apply:
- The Council will provide a maximum of $2,500.00 for one event per person/family.
- A person/family can only be approved for one event within any two-year period.
- The Council will provide a maximum of $3,500 per event regardless of how many people apply. This may result in individual applications receiving approval for less than $2,500.00.
- Individuals will not receive reimbursement of expenses to events specifically related to their professions. Employees/service providers are not eligible to apply.
What types of events may I attend?
Eligible events include:
- Training in self-advocacy, educating policymakers and citizen leadership skills.
- Training to obtain access to services, supports and other assistance.
How do I apply?
Complete the Dottie Adams Scholarship Fund Application and attach a copy of the brochure/application for the event and a brief summary describing how attending the conference or event will benefit you and/or others. Applications must be received at least 30 days prior to the event (but no more than three months prior to the event) in order to be considered for approval for reimbursement of expenses. The Council will respond to requests within 10 business days. Applications may be emailed to .
What am I required to do and when will I get reimbursed?
If you are approved for a reimbursement of expenses, an award letter (your notification), a W9 and a post-event survey will be sent to you. If you have not received a response within 15 business days of mailing in your application, please call to confirm that it was received. You will only be reimbursed for expenses that have been approved. Accompanying paid receipts must support the reimbursement of expenses. Requests for reimbursements must be submitted within 30 days following the event and must be accompanied by the W9 Forms and the completed post-event survey.