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Making a Difference Magazine

March 2025

Letter from Leadership: We're Here All Year

Written by Lisa Newbern on . Letter from Leadership.

Lisa NewbernI just returned home from the Senate Insurance and Labor Committee hearing, where I spoke about my support for Senate Bill 55, known as the Dignity and Pay Act. Excitingly, the committee unanimously voted to move the bill forward. If, or even better when, the Georgia General Assembly votes to approve, this law would end the use of 14(c) certificates in Georgia. The Georgia Council on Developmental Disabilities (GCDD) has invested significant time and energy to ensure Georgians who have intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) receive fair compensation for their work, something long past due for our country and now a close reality for Georgians.

Passing this bill is especially timely as we greet March, which is Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month. The National Association for Councils on Developmental Disabilities (NACDD) selected “We’re Here All Year” as this year’s theme to encourage people in and beyond the disability community to meet the people and know the work of NACDD, and to involve NACDD as appropriate in initiatives that promote self-determination, integration and inclusion for all people in the U.S. who have developmental disabilities. We are fortunate to have a strong relationship with our NACDD colleagues as well as priorities that align, such as our work to end 14(c). Together, we can and must overcome this antiquated rule to remove barriers people with disabilities still face and to create a world where everyone can succeed.

With success top of mind, I am pleased to share GCDD’s updated mission statement now includes “lead” – GCDD’s mission is to bring about social and policy changes that promote opportunities for the wide spectrum of diverse people with developmental disabilities and their families to live, learn, LEAD, work, play and worship in their communities. We are fortunate to have so many among us leading the way, and it was time for our mission to reflect their success and inspire others toward leadership in our communities and state.

I am humbled by the commitment of our community, inspired by GCDD’s history of success and motivated by the opportunities before us. Please let me know what more I can do as GCDD’s chairperson to represent the Council and you, to further our work and collaborations, and to ensure we continue Making a Difference in your community, Georgia and beyond.

Lisa Newbern
GCDD Council Chair



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