The Georgia Council on Developmental Disabilities' (GCDD) Fall edition of the Making a Difference quarterly news magazine is celebrating National Disability Employment Awareness Month. This issue dives into the state of employment for people with disabilities in Georgia and around the nation; and highlights efforts like Project SEARCH and promotes Do-It-Yourself Take Your Legislator To Work Day. Around the State spotlights Atlanta as Atlanta Legal Aid opens the Olmstead at 20 photography exhibit to document the results of the landmark US Supreme Court case. And, GCDD pays a tribute to Dawn Alford, GCDD's Public Policy Director, who passed away suddenly in July, but left a legacy in Georgia's disability rights efforts. Plus, continue to enjoy another story from the Story Collection project, What's Happening in Washington? and the Community Calendar.
English: Making a Difference: Fall 2019 issue (PDF)
Spanish: Marcando la diferencia: edición de otoño de 2019 (PDF)